Biden: I hope to God to continue at least next 2 years, maybe beyond that. keep the faith

#shorts Biden hoped to continue next two years and maybe 2024, “I hope to God I’m able to continue to do that for at least the next two years, maybe beyond that. But in the meantime, keep the faith. Every time I’d walk out of my Grandpa Finnegan’s home up in Scranton, he’d yell, “Joey, keep the faith!” And my grandmother would yell, “No, Joey, spread it.” (Laughter.) Let’s go spread the faith!”

On 11/5/2022, Joe Biden delivered remarks at rally at Jones Elementary in Joliet, Ill. Biden traveled to Illinois as part of a campaign swing through deep-blue parts of the country to shore up Democratic turnout ahead of Tuesday’s election.
longer version of this clip is here:

Biden: I hope to God to continue at least next 2 years, maybe beyond that. keep the faith
