Biden Homeland Security Advisor Won’t Answer How Much Of U.S. Electrical Grid Is “In Danger”

#shorts a reporter asked “”Can you say how much of the [electrical] grid is in danger?”
BIDEN HOMELAND SECURITY ADVISOR: “I think we should go on to others. Thanks.”
Reporter: Can you say a few words about the state of the U.S. electrical grid? The outages that we saw with Idalia raise concerns about that. I mean, can you — have you done an assessment? Do you know what percentage of the electrical grid is in need of upgrades? And how serious of a threat is that? How concerned should Americans be?

DR. SHERWOOD-RANDALL: So, we are investing an enormous amount … to ensure that we have the grid of the future that we need, both to power our clean energy future and also to provide resilient power to the American people.

Reporter: But can you say how much of the grid is in danger or is at risk or antiquated?
DR. SHERWOOD-RANDALL: I think we should go on to others. Thanks.
kKJP: Go ahead, Kayla.

other clips of this published longer video is here:
Biden Homeland Security Advisor Won’t Answer How Much Of U.S. Electrical Grid Is “In Danger”
