Biden Forgets Ukraine Ambassador’s Name

#shorts Joe Biden began to address one of the guests brought by his wife, Jill Biden. That guest was the Ukrainian ambassador to the United States, Oksana Markarova. In doing so, Biden said: “Tonight…we’re once again joined by Ukrainian’s ambassador to the United States. She represents not just her nation, but the courage of her people. Ambassador… {garbled followed by awkward pause} our ambassador is here. We’re {slurred} united in our support of your country. Would you stand so that we could all take a look at you?” The statement doesn’t do the awkwardness of the delivery any justice. Biden is lost. He either can’t pronounce her name or he completely forgot it.

On 2/7/2023 evening, Joe Biden is delivering his State of the Union Address from the US Capitol in the House chamber. Biden is delivering his address amid multiple scandals.

other clips of this published longer video is here:
Biden Forgets Ukraine Ambassador’s Name
