Biden Clenches Fists, Sounds Unwell & Ignores Questions; Millions of military emails went to wrong

Joe Biden Clenches His Fists, Shuffles Away After Speech on Artificial Intelligence
On 7/21/2023, Joe Biden delivered remarks on Artificial Intelligence from the Roosevelt Room. “I’m the A.I.,” Biden said before he mumbled through his remarks. “Artificial Intelligence or promises an enormous, enormous promise of both risk to our society and our economy and our national security but also incredible opportunities,” Biden said.

Biden Ignores Questions, Shuffles Out Door After Brief Remarks How We Gettin’ These Guys Down.
A reporter asked Biden about China’s recent breach of email accounts of State and Commerce Department officials. “Mr. President, can you tell us about the hacking of cabinet officials by China?” a reporter asked Biden. Biden clenched his fists as he shuffled away from the lectern and ignored the reporter. “Ready? How we getting these guys down there?” a confused Joe Biden said as he shuffled out of the Roosevelt Room.

Joe Biden Sounds Unwell As He Reads Teleprompter Remarks On Artificial Intelligence.
Biden said, “These commitments — these commitments are a promising step, but the — we have a lot more work to do together. Realizing the promise of AI by managing the risk is going to require some new laws, regulations, and oversight.”

Biden Talks Artificial Intelligence But Makes No Sense As He Reads Remarks From Giant Teleprompter.
Biden said, “Artificial intelligence or — it promises an enormous — an enormous promise of both risk to our society and our economy and our national security, but also incredible opportunities — incredible opportunities.”

Millions of emails to military’s .MIL domain went to .ML domain (Mali is Russian ally) by mistake
On 7/18/2023, a reporter asked Biden Top Spox John Kirby, “For over 10 years, millions of emails associated with the US military have been getting sent to Mali, a West African country allied with Russia, due to a typo. Instead of appending the military’s .MIL domain to their recipient’s email address, people frequently type .ML, the country identifier for Mali, by mistake.
Reporter: there’s an FT report that, for the past decade, millions of U.S. military emails containing highly sensitive information have been misdirected to Mali due to a typo with —

MR. KIRBY: Yeah.
Reporter: — dot-ml instead of dot-mil.
MR. KIRBY: Yeah.

Reporter: A Dutch tech entrepreneur who’s been managing the country domain has been warning about this for decades — for the past decade. And control over that domain returns to the Malian government on Monday. They’re a Russian ally.

So what is the administration doing to deal with this issue and prevent our sensitive military data from potentially falling into the hands of a Russian ally? And how was this allowed to go unaddressed for the past decade despite warnings?

MR. KIRBY: I would first point you to our colleagues at the Department of Defense. This is really more for them to speak to. But as I understand it, they have now for quite some time have in place a tool that — that stops e- — outbound emails that don’t have the dot-mil at the end from going.

There’s not a — there’s — there’s not a huge amount that they can do for people sending emails into the dot-mil domain from outside.

On 7/18/2023, Unhinged Democrat Rep. Rosa DeLauro Says Republicans Are “Terrorists” For Disagreeing With Her

JOHN KERRY in China: “There Was Zero Dictation … If Anything Is Dictating, It Is The SCIENCE”
Biden Clenches Fists, Sounds Unwell & Ignores Questions; Millions of emails to military went to wrong places
