Biden Asks If He Can “Take A Couple Questions” As His Handlers Immediately Remove The Press
BIDEN: “Can I take a couple questions?”
His handlers IMMEDIATELY remove the press.
Biden Deplanes In Michigan — Using The Short Stairs, Of Course!
Biden Again Repeats FAKE Story That His Fire Department Once Saved His Wife, Cat, Corvette
Biden, campaigning in Michigan, claims his fire department once “saved my wife, saved my cat, and saved my Corvette” in a housefire.
That’s a debunked lie. According to a 2004 AP report, it was “a small fire…contained to the kitchen” that “was under control in 20 minutes.”
Biden Campaigns At House In Michigan, Looks Completely Lost And Confused As Usual
“There have been about 400,000 of these unaccompanied children that have come to the United States during President Biden’s term of office. Can you tell us where they are now?”
Biden HHS Sec. Xavier Becerra: No
“Do you have any idea what percentage of [unaccompanied illegal alien children] are placed in the home of someone who is not legally present in the country?”
HHS Sec. Xavier Becerra: “I couldn’t tell you that.”
Biden: Asks If “Take A Couple Questions”, Looks Completely Lost & Confused