#shorts Reporter: Thanks. Director, if you could explain the President’s thinking and his commitment going forward to ensuring the continued solvency of Social Security. His budget yesterday does not advance any plan to adjust the payroll tax for wealthier individuals. You say in the document that he’s interested in working with Congress. Can you explain whether that means that he hopes for a deal this year or in this Congress?
Dir Young: So, the deal is, this President will not accept benefit cuts …
Reporter: But, if I can just follow up, I mean, the — the thinking is that Social Security only has about 12 more years of solvency left. This seems like a good opportunity — isn’t it? — with a divided government, for the President to make a proposal and hope for a compromise? He doesn’t seem to be interested in doing that.
Dir Young: Well, you assume the debate is from cutting no benefits and moving forward. We’re trying to protect the benefits that are there now. I wish we were at the point of the debate where we could sit down and come up with proposals to extend.
Unfortunately, it is clear that some people want to go backwards. We’re saying: This President, which he has said over and over, will not accept benefit cu- — benefit cuts in the Social Security program.
So you’re assuming all players are starting from the same place. They’re not.
Reporter: But the President is not making a proposal here to extend the solvency of Social Security. He’s proposing not to accept any benefit cuts. But the Republican leaders say they’re not proposing benefit cuts.
Dir Young: Who are you going to listen to?
On 3/10/2023, Biden’s top econ couldn’t answer the question.
Biden Econ Advisor Cecilia Rouse Can’t Say When Americans Can Expect Relief From Sky-High Inflation
other clips of this published longer video is here: https://youtu.be/nZ29TILCBuA
Biden Admin Has NO Answer When Called Out For Having NO PLAN To Save Social Security From Insolvency