A reporter tells Spox John Kirby how some are calling Biden’s open borders a “humanitarian disgrace”

#shorts On 1/6/2023, a reporter tells Biden Spokesman John Kirby how some are calling Biden’s open borders a “humanitarian disgrace” The reporter said, “So, John, just following up on the — on the border. I — I spent a long time covering immigration stuff during the Trump years. I — I never saw more damning quotes from immigration advocacy groups and human rights groups during the Trump years than — as I saw yesterday towards this administration. Just reading one to you, Eleanor Acer, who is one of the leading advocacy people — heads up a refugee group, called what the President did yesterday “a humanitarian disgrace.” And that was echoed across the board in literally scores of emails I got from every humanitarian group. What do you all — what does the administration say to the overwhelming consensus from people who advocate on behalf of asylum seekers and refugees and migrants that what the President did yesterday was “a humanitarian disgrace”?

MR. KIRBY: Well, obviously, we take a different view. What we would say is that the — this is a President who understands that …

A reporter tells Biden Spokesman John Kirby how some are calling Biden’s open borders a “humanitarian disgrace”
