What is your plan? Work permit, change not deport into facilitate Rapid Release farther into country

Senator James Lankford (R-OK) said, “Always the problem has been that I’ve asked questions of the administration for the last eight months in particular what are you going to do when it actually ends? What are you going to do when it actually ends. Their response has been well we have a six point plan that we’ve already implemented to be able to deal with this after it ends. Their plan clearly is not working and so my question has been what is your plan so far they’ve not been able to do this they’ve not been able to resolve what the key issues are for immigration and the increase.

Let me just give you a couple clear blunt statements. When you incentivize the illegal activity you get more illegal activity, period. it’s not hard what they’ve done is they’ve taken the dollars that have been allocated to them for enforcement and they’ve instead used those dollars for processing to speed up the the processing issues that they had at the border so that as thousands of people across the border those thousand people could move into the interior country faster to make room for thousands more to be able to come in.

They’ve also transitioned now to putting individuals on parole as soon as they cross the border well that does two things once they transition and put it into parole they’re given a work permit that same day and so people are illegally crossing the border getting a work permit immediately as they cross the border and then they’re put in line with ICE. Many people are not talking about ice that used to be used for enforcements within the interior of the country is now being used for processing people that are illegally coming into the country the administration has changed their mission to not deporting people that are illegally into the country but processing people illegally in the country into farther into the country. it’s a dramatic shift what they’ve also done is the administration over and over again in the last two years they have requested fewer beds for ICE less money for detention and they continue to try to defund ICE at the same time change the mission of those that are remaining in ice to do less.

We’ve got more than 2 million people have it illegally across the border. Of that more than two million people that have illegally across the border about 1.3 million of those individuals have been actually get put into the interior of the country. I try to run some basic math on this the ice deportations versus this administration actually releasing people into the country right now we have about 3600 people a day that are being released into the country. ICE is actually deporting 189 people a day that is day after day after day. When people talk about what is the crisis that’s happening across the country it is this administration is facilitating the rapid release of people into the country and is ignoring the ICE responsibility.

I’m bringing two different bills to the floor and asking unanimous consent. One of them deals with the title 42 authority extension … but this administration saying we don’t want to actually do border enforcement but we do want to do other areas.

The second thing is the administration continues to talk about the asylum rules and they seem to be playing with this issue that’s out there of if people traveled multiple different countries and then they finally get to the united states and request asylum that’s not asylum that’s economic opportunity …

if you’re traveling to multiple different countries before you come here and you didn’t request asylum in that process before you came here in any of the previous countries you can’t request it here as well. it’s not new that idea has been around for a very long time and it’s time we actually implement that kind of idea that we continue to allow asylum seekers to be able to come to this country that are truly seeking asylum but for people that are actually just coming for economic opportunity …

Jay Johnson 2019 made the statement that every morning he would get up in the morning and the first thing he would … look at the number of people that illegally crossed the day before that was how he started every single day and he knew if it was more than a thousand it was going to be a bad day right now today we have more than 9k people a day illegally crossing our border nine thousand a day during the time of Jay Johnson during that surge time period we had a little over half a million people illegally across our border in a year a little over half a million in a year under this administration we have over half a million in two months and it’s continuing to accelerate this is a very real crisis that for whatever reason many people are ignoring and saying it’s old news.

The pull factor: this administration’s policies this was not happening under the Obama admin

What is your plan? Work permit, change not deport into facilitate Rapid Release farther into country.
