Major Biden Purple Heart gaffe, laugh & mumble, Air Force One, I may be Irish

On 12/16/2022, President Joe Biden appeared to make a major gaffe when he claimed that after being elected vice president in 2008, he awarded his uncle, Frank Biden, a Purple Heart for his service in World War II, but two things are impossible:
1. there’s no evidence of the award
2. key details of the story are impossible: the fact his uncle died almost a decade before the 2008 election.

Biden said, “You know, I — my dad, when I got elected Vice President, he said, “Joey, Uncle Frank fought in the Battle of the Bulge.” He was not feeling very well now — not because of the Battle of the Bulge. But he said, “And he won the Purple Heart. And he never received it. He never — he never got it. Do you think you could help him get it? We’ll surprise him.” So we got him the Purple Heart. He had won it in the Battle of the Bulge. And I remember he came over to the house, and I came out, and he said, “Present it to him, okay?” We had the family there. I said, “Uncle Frank, you won this. And I want to…” He said, “I don’t want the damn thing.” (Laughter.) No, I’m serious. He said, “I don’t want it.” I said, “What’s the matter, Uncle Frank? You earned it.” He said, “Yeah, but the others … “

Biden’s father, Joseph R. Biden Sr., died in September 2002 — more than six years before his son was elected vice president. Frank Biden, Joe Sr.’s brother, died in 1999. Biden claimed his uncle told him, “I don’t want the damn thing,” when it was presented to him, it must indicate both people are alive. There doesn’t appear to be any record of Biden giving his uncle the honor—the president hasn’t mentioned the story in the past, there have been no news articles written about it. Biden has on multiple occasions stretching the truth and ended his first presidential campaign, watch our other videos.

Biden made the comments while promoting the PACT Act, a bill he signed in August to expand healthcare benefits to veterans. The bill is one of several Biden has promoted to demonstrate the success of his administration, but this latest gaffe may serve as another worrying sign for Democrats leery of another Biden presidential run. Polls have repeatedly suggested many Democrats do not want Biden to run for reelection. Biden’s age—he is the first person 80 or older to ever serve as president. If he wins reelection and serves out two full terms, he will depart office at age 86.

Biden Tells Audience In Delaware: “I May Be Irish, But I’m Not Stupid”, “Ray, thanks for being here, pal. You’re the best. You’re the best.”
MR. FIRMANI: Thank you so much.
Biden: Thank you. I may be Irish, but I’m not stupid. (Laughter.) I married Dominic Giacoppa’s daughter. So, you know, I got a little Italian in me now, you know? (Laughter.) The — but it is remarkable.”

Biden Falsely Claims He’s Been To Iraq & Afghanistan “38, 39 Times,” But Real Number Is 21, “And, you know, I think that there’s a — I’ve been in and out — not as a, obviously, combatant — but in and out of Afghanistan and Iraq and these areas 38, 39 times as — not as President, only twice as President, but from the time I was a senator, but particularly when I was Vice President. And, you know … “

Biden started his speech with, “Tom, thank you. Please sit. I always call — I’ve been calling Senator Carper “Tommy” for 40 years, and I call him “Tommy.” And (inaudible), “Who? Who you talking about?” (Laughter.) I’m talking about my buddy, a dear friend, a combat veteran, a guy who serving in the Senate, and he gets it. He gets it.”
Major Biden Purple Heart gaffe, laugh & mumble, Air Force One, I may be Irish
