Q: Who Told Not To Discuss Twitter Files? A: Doesn’t “Have Anything To Add”

#shorts On 12/8/2022, Fox News reporter Peter Doocy asked White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, “And just one other topic. You’ve said a few times that you really can’t talk about communications between the Biden campaign and Twitter. Who is telling you that that’s off limits?

MS. Jean-Pierre: I’ve already had that conversation with you — with your colleague, I believe, yesterday. I’ve already addressed this multiple times this week, so I don’t have anything more to add. Again, I — we’ve — we’ve litigated this all week. Don’t have anything to add.

Doocy: But it’s not a — so, not a campaign question, though, an administration question —
Reporter: Karine, in the back, please.
MS. Jean-Pierre: I’m going to the back. I’m going to the back. I’m going to the back. Go ahead.

other clips of this published longer video is here: https://youtu.be/gi766ZMKqN8
Q: Who Told Not To Discuss Twitter Files? A: Doesn’t “Have Anything To Add”
