false: Biden claimed Delaware has “more chickens than anybody in the nation” (not even in top 10)

#shorts On 11/21/2022, Joe Biden pardoned two turkeys as part of the White House’s annual Thanksgiving tradition. Biden delivered remarks at the White House event and claimed his home state of Delaware has “more chickens than anybody in the nation,” which is false. The poultry industry plays a significant role in Delaware, but the state is not even in the top ten for chicken populations.

Biden: “If you can do that — Ronnie, that’s a big bird, man. (Laughter.) We have more chickens than anybody in the nation in Delaware, but we don’t have turkeys.”

other clips of this published longer video is here: https://youtu.be/uN2R7p3HtaA
Biden said he said farmer’s 9.5 million turkeys are “like some of the countries I’ve been to”
false: Biden claimed Delaware has “more chickens than anybody in the nation” (not even in top 10)
