HYGONews Week’s Most Popular Stories 11/13; Biden polls, Midterm, Biden gaffes, inflation

On 11/9/2022, Joe Biden delivered remarks on the 2022 midterms and called on Preapproved List of 10 reporters. “The overwhelming majority of the American people support my economic agenda… I’m confident these policies are working,” said Biden. A reporter asked Joe Biden about the abysmal exit polls showing 75% of Americans are unhappy with the state of the union. 7 in 10 voters are unhappy with the state of the nation and largely negative on Joe Biden, according to CNN exit polls. A reporter asked Joe Biden, “You mentioned that Americans are frustrated. And, in fact, 75 percent of voters say the country is heading in the wrong direction, despite the results of last night. What in the next two years do you intend to do differently to change people’s opinion of the direction of the country, particularly as you contemplate a run for President in 2024?”

Biden: Nothing, because they’re just finding out what we’re doing. The more they know about what we’re doing, the more support there is … And we have more money in the — in the pot now already — already out there — we voted for — than the entire money we spent on Amtrak to begin with.

On 11/10/2022, during press briefing, a reporter asked White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, “The President said yesterday, “I’m not going to change anything in a fundamental way.” But the President’s approval ratings are still low, with an overwhelming majority of voters in exit polls said the country is headed in the wrong direction, especially on the economy. So is — how is the White House sort of squaring those two things? Is — is there no change needed, I guess, in terms of satisfying those voters who are saying that they think the country is headed in a wrong direction?

MS. Jean-Pierre: Well, we think that — well, let me step back for a second. What the President was talking about then — he wasn’t going to renegotiate — renegotiate things that have already passed, right? You think about the Inflation Reduction Act … Republicans were very clear: They wanted to repeal that. They wanted to take away the Inflation Reduction Act. And so that’s what the President was talking about, making sure that we do not take away the things that — the things that we have been able to accomplish … Look, I know you’re talking about the President’s poll. But the thing about it is: When you look at these pieces of legislation, when you look at the work that we have done, when you look at the issues that the President has worked on, they’re all popular … You think about inflation: Yes, the American people are feeling that every day, but the President has also worked on these issues. And those are the things he’s not going to stop on. Those are things he’s not going to pull back on. Trying to lower gas prices as another example of the things that he’s done.

On 11/7/2022, Karine Jean-Pierre says she “disagree” Biden hasn’t been successful on lowering costs, before midterm, release emergency oil reserves. A reporter asked, “On the economy, you said here the President’s plans are going to lower costs, they’re going to get inflation down. But the President has been giving us that message for more than a year, basically without much success. So is it time for a pivot?”

MS. Jean-Pierre: So, I disagree with that not having much success, because if you look at the President’s policies as it relates to, for example, the gas prices, the President took bold actions, as you’ve heard us say. You know, he tapped into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, which was a historic action. And because of that, and it has been proven by data … that’s an action that he took. Inflation Reduction Act. Again, only Democrats — congressional Democrats voted for that. It’s going to lower the cost of energy. It’s going to … We understand that Americans are feeling a little bit of a squeeze right now. And we get that. The President gets that …

On 11/9/2022, Joe Biden delivered remarks on the 2022 midterms and called on Preapproved List of 10 reporters. A reporter asked Biden, “The issue is inflation. TheGrio and KFF conducted a study of Black voters that said inflation was the number one issue, and we saw it in this midterm election. What can you promise concretely in these next two years that will help turn the pocketbook for the better in the midst of staving off a recession?”

Biden: … We’re now in a situation where we’re providing, through the Small Business Administration, down payments for people buying homes, because most people accumulate wealth in the value of their home …

HYGONews Week’s Most Popular Stories 11/13; Biden polls, Midterm, Biden gaffes, inflation
