Biden: Fetterman is a big boy, hope to continue at least next 2 years, maybe beyond that, keep faith

On 11/5/2022, Joe Biden delivered remarks at rally at Jones Elementary in Joliet, Ill. Biden traveled to Illinois as part of a campaign swing through deep-blue parts of the country to shore up Democratic turnout ahead of Tuesday’s election. Protesters lined the street in Joliet to protest Biden’s arrival. There were dozens of protesters standing beside the road to the elementary school with signs bearing comments ranging from “Let’s go xxx” to “where’s Nancy,” as well as “socialism xxx.” “I love those signs — when I came in — “Socialism.” (Laughter.) Give me a break. What idiots. (Laughter and applause.) “Socialism.” Whoa. No one ever doubts I mean what I say. Sometimes, unfortunately, I say all that I mean. (Laughter.)”

Biden said, “Hello, hello! Hey, Dick, how are ya? (Applause.) Please, have a seat. Take a seat if you have one. (Laughter.) I was at a big rally not long ago — last year. And I said, “Everybody take a seat.” And the press said, “Biden is so stupid he didn’t know they didn’t have any chairs.” (Laughter.) “

Fetterman and Biden together, Biden said, “One more thing. The good news for you is I have to be in Philadelphia with Barack to campaign for some folks. (Applause.) And if I don’t leave now, they tell me I’m going to be late. And Fetterman is a big boy. (Laughter.) He’s a big — I don’t want to be late for him.”

Biden hoped to continue next two years and maybe 2024, “I hope to God I’m able to continue to do that for at least the next two years, maybe beyond that. But in the meantime, keep the faith. Every time I’d walk out of my Grandpa Finnegan’s home up in Scranton, he’d yell, “Joey, keep the faith!” And my grandmother would yell, “No, Joey, spread it.” (Laughter.) Let’s go spread the faith!”

Biden on Republicans, “Folks, all this hard-won progress is because of your delegation. Not a joke. I wish I could say our Republicans in Congress helped make it happen. But the truth is, every single solitary Democrat in Congress voted for the Inflation Reduction Act. Every single Republican voted against it. Every single one. Not one supported it. And now Republicans are calling to tell us their number one priority to repeal — is to repeal the Inflation Reduction Act.”

Biden: Republicans don’t want you to have a little breathing room, “My dad used to say that when — if you take a look, at the end of the month, do you have enough money to pay for all your regular bills and have a little breathing room, just a little breathing, a little left over? Well, these guys don’t want there to be any breathing room. Now Republicans in Congress are saying they’re not going to cooperate in cutting — unless I agree to cooperate in cutting Social Security and Medicare, or they’ll shut down the government.”

” If Congress doesn’t vote to keep it, it goes away. It’s gone. You’ve been paying for this your whole life. Now these guys want to take it away. Who in the hell do they think they are? (Applause.) I really mean it. Think about it. I mean, they’re saying it out loud.”

“Seriously. When I have a question, I pick up the phone and I call her — (laughs) — and ask for advice. Your very own congresswoman, Lauren Underwood. Lauren, thank you, thank you, thank you. (Applause.) You know, I didn’t know Audree’s story. I didn’t know what she was going to be saying when she spoke. But the one — only part of it that didn’t surprise me was you picked up the phone and called her. You picked the phone and called her. You know why? Not only are you a hell of a congresswoman, you’re a nurse. No, I’m serious. There’s something special about nurses. Maybe it’s because — (applause) — no, no. I genuinely mean it.”

“Take them to the polls. Help them out. Convince them to work. Convince them to show up and vote. And I’ll take my chances — Democrat or Republican — if they haven’t voted. I’d have them vote. Because they know what’s going on. They really do.”
Biden: Fetterman is a big boy, hope to continue at least next 2 years, maybe beyond that, keep faith
