Biden: I love those signs when I came in “Socialism.” Give me a break. What idiots

#shorts On 11/5/2022, Joe Biden delivered remarks at rally at Jones Elementary in Joliet, Ill. Biden traveled to Illinois as part of a campaign swing through deep-blue parts of the country to shore up Democratic turnout ahead of Tuesday’s election. Protesters lined the street in Joliet to protest Biden’s arrival. There were dozens of protesters standing beside the road to the elementary school with signs bearing comments ranging from “Let’s go xxx” to “where’s Nancy,” as well as “socialism xxx.” “I love those signs — when I came in — “Socialism.” (Laughter.) Give me a break. What idiots. (Laughter and applause.) “Socialism.” Whoa. No one ever doubts I mean what I say. Sometimes, unfortunately, I say all that I mean. (Laughter.)”

longer version of this clip is here:
Biden: I love those signs when I came in “Socialism.” Give me a break. What idiots
