Approval rating low but still more spending & not address inflation; take away Congress credit card

On 7/20/2022, Democrat House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer refused to say if President Joe Biden should run in 2024, during a segment on Fox News’ “Your World” with Neil Cavuto.

On 7/19/2022, Sen. Lee delivered floor remarks and asked that the Senate unanimously pass the PRICE Act. While the proposal was objected to and accordingly did not pass, Sen. Lee committed to continue his efforts to pass the PRICE Act and to enact the other provisions of his plan to fight inflation. Lee said that The PRICE Act is the first step in taking away Congress’s credit card. Utah families are struggling to make ends meet and are going without necessary purchases to balance the budget. Meanwhile Congress is spending billions of dollars it doesn’t have. I asked the Senate to pass my PRICE Act today to fight inflation and reduce runaway spending, “The PRICE Act is desperately needed. This insatiable spending machine is now costing Utahns 881 dollars a month more than they paid last year, and that’s on top of what they already pay in taxes.” Lee continued, “Congress has become the trust fund baby that doesn’t understand the value of a dollar. The PRICE act is the recognition that sometimes you need to take away the credit card.”

Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) sought passage of his Preventing Runaway Inflation in Consumer Expenditures (PRICE) Act as a part of his continued effort to counter rising inflation. Utah families are feeling the pains of inflation more acutely than those from almost all other states. This week’s Consumer Price Index grew beyond expectations placing inflation at a staggering 9.1% nationally. Sen. Lee’s PRICE Act would require a three-fifths supermajority vote in the Senate to pass new spending measures when inflation is deemed to be above 3% nationally. This bill constitutes a pillar of Lee’s detailed plan to fight inflation. Government spending, especially deficit spending, is considered a major contributor to inflation.

On 7/19/2022, during a press conference, GOP Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) said, “Seventy-three percent of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of inflation, 57 percent of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of energy, and 59 percent of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of the border crisis and illegal immigration.” She added, House Democrats reportedly want to discuss everything except the crises facing the country. This comes as House Democrats are working to pass a dozen spending bills through the House before the august recess. Additionally, Stefanik slammed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (R-Calif.) and House Democrats for putting their “socialist wish list” ahead of the challenges the nation is already facing. GOP members pointed out that their spending bills have more spending than usual.

On 7/19/2022, during House GOP Leadership Press Conference, GOP House Whip Steve Scalise highlights house Democrats inaction, “here we are facing another week where Democrats will not bring up any bills on the House floor to lower gas prices, to lower inflation, to secure America’s
border, to address the serious problems that families are facing. You just saw over the weekend Joe Biden came back from Saudi Arabia had to hand he goes over there begging them to produce more oil. You had the French President Macron telling him that the answer was going to be no yet, he flew air force fifty seven hundred miles over to Saudi Arabia just to be told no they won’t produce more energy when he could have just stayed here where the answer would have been yes we’ve got all the energy that we need to meet America’s needs and our allies around the world and it’s Joe Biden who keeps saying no to American energy as he begs foreign dictators to produce the oil that we need to meet our demands. That’s why families are struggling under an 88 percent increase in gas prices at the pump that’s how much more families are paying today than when Joe Biden became president, 88 more. But what are they bringing to the floor this week as Mario and my other colleagues talked about a massive increase in spending 14 percent increase in spending in an appropriations bill that was drawn up in a hyper partisan way to drive inflation even higher.”
Approval rating low but still more spending & not address inflation; PRICE Act to take away Congress’s credit card.
