Dem Cohen: Canada “freest country in world” ; GOP rebuttal: U.S. “most free, most successful

On 7/14/2022, Republican Louisiana Rep. Mike Johnson and Democratic Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen exchanged heated words during House Judiciary Committee hearing on Roe v. Wade. Cohen claimed Canada is the “freest country in the world,” and described “several other nations” as freer than America. Johnson hit back at the Tennessee representative’s remarks, Johnson said that’s simply not true. Johnson called the U.S. the “the most free, most successful [and] most powerful nation” due to the nation living up to the American ideals of protecting the right to life. “Mr. Cohen is wrong,” said Johnson. “Canada is not the most free country in the world young people. America is the greatest nation in the world. We are the most free, most successful, most powerful nation because finally now we’ve tried to live up to the ideals articulated in the Declaration of Independence.” “Your comments are absurd,” Johnson said as Cohen attempted to interrupt. “This hearing is absurd.” Cohen said, “Your comments are absurd, you’re absurd!”

Johnson said American government officials have a constitutional obligation to “protect the sanctity of human life,” given that the Declaration of Independence declares citizens have an “inalienable right” to life. “This hearing is absurd,” Johnson continued. “The Democrat majority has called us here for this hearing entitled ‘The Threat To Individual Freedoms in a Post-Roe World.’ Come on. The first inalienable, individual freedom is the right to be born, the right to life. We declared that in our nation’s birth certificate. America should continue to uphold the sanctity of human life and state and local and federal governments have a duty, a constitutional responsibility, to protect that fundamental right.”

Republicans have notably been critical of the Canadian government of Justin Trudeau. GOP lawmakers said Democrats must stand up for America instead of praising foreign countries with questionable leadership. “We just celebrated our 246 birthday on the Fourth and we’re still an experiment in self governance,” Johnson voiced. “We’re an experiment on the world stage. We have the greatest Constitution ever written, it’s endured for this long but it won’t endure if we abandon its principles.”
Dem Cohen: Canada “freest country in world” ; GOP rebuttal: U.S. “most free, most successful & most powerful nation”
