Biden laughs when asked fist bump with Saudi Crown Prince. Biden brags of “real change” in gas

On 7/15/2022, Joe Biden departed Israel and arrived to Saudi Arabia to beg the Saudis for oil. Biden greeted the Crown Prince with a fist bump as he arrived to the Alsalam Royal Palace. Joe Biden laughs at reporter who said he’s under “fire” for fist bump with Saudi Crown Prince, “You’re coming under a lot of fire for your fist bump with the Crown Prince. Why —” (Biden laughs.) “I just wanted to give you a chance to respond to that. And — but also, how can you be sure that another incident … won’t happen again?”

Biden: Well — God love you. What a silly question. How could I possibly be sure of any of that? I just made it clear if anything occurs like that again, they’ll get that response and much more.

After begging Saudi Arabia for more oil, Biden doesn’t say a word about American energy production. he said “we had a good — we had a good discussion on ensuring global energy security and adequate oil supplies to support global economic growth. And that will begin shortly. And I’m doing all I can to increase the supply for the United States of America, which I expect to happen. The Saudis share that urgency, and based on our discussions today, I expect we’ll see further steps in the coming weeks.”

Biden brags of “real change” in gas, which remain $2.18/gal higher than when Biden took office. A reporter asked “On gas prices, if I may, you said that we’ll see relief at some point in the not-too-distant future. What is the message to Americans who are looking for that relief now? When should they expect to see a real change in prices, though they’ve already been coming down?”

Biden: But there’s been a real change. That’s right. They’ve been coming down every single day, to the best of my knowledge.

Reporter: When will we see the impact of this visit?

Biden: I suspect you won’t see that for another couple weeks. And we’ll see more when we see gas stations start to lower their price consistent with what they’re paying for the oil. That’s another issue.

Reporter: On the issue of climate, Joe Manchin obviously made significant news right now, which appears to be torpedoing what was one of your biggest priorities as it relates to energy and to climate back at home. Your message to those Americans right now who are looking for that relief that would have a wide impact as it affects the climate and energy specifically?

Biden: I am not going away. I’m going to use every power I have as President to continue to fulfill my pledge to move toward dealing with global warming.

Biden also said Crown Prince said he was not personally responsible, I told him I thought he was personally responsible. A reporter asked “What was the Crown Prince’s response to your comments about Khashoggi?”

Biden: He basically said that he — he was not personally responsible for it. I indicated that he probably was. He said he was not personally responsible for it and he took action against those who were responsible. And — and we — and then I went on to talk more about how that dealing with any opposition to the — or criticism of the Saudi administration in other countries was viewed as, to me, …

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Biden laughs when asked fist bump with Saudi Crown Prince. Biden brags of “real change” in gas prices.
