Senator Kennedy asked Judge Pryor, Judge what is your legal basis for doing this??? The nominee answered smoothly in confidence, however she failed to understand the question of “legal basis”, instead she tried to answer “legal standard” or “extended power”
Kennedy: well I’ve got 13 seconds, miss Pryor explain to me Judge Pryor excuse me explain to me the legal basis for a universal injunction, the legal basis.
Pryor: the legal standard for nationwide
Kennedy: not the standard, the legal basis where do federal district judges get the power to issue a universal injunction that affects everybody in the United States.
Pryor: I understand Mr. Kennedy that that question as to whether or not judicial officers have extended and gone beyond their limited power under article 3 is a highly debated question of both public uh debate and discussion
Kennedy: yes Ma’am but when a federal district judge issues a universal injunction that applies not just in his or her district judicial district but the United States and the parties say Judge what is your legal basis for doing this is there a statute is it in the constitutional what is what is the answer
Pryor: what we within our district in the southern district of Indiana the injunction the pulmonary injunction has been limited to that of the parties and the litigants
Kennedy: maybe I’m not being clear I’m sorry Mr. chairman just if you could just tell me the legal basis where does a federal judge get the authority to issue a universal injunction
Pryor: the authority that judd is in DC circuit or in other areas that have applied a nationwide injunction the question that was raised before the court or the legal standard they have used is questioning whether or not the federal government a policy or executive power can be executed in those circumstances the those judges have issued what been deemed as nationwide injunctions
Kennedy: I know they have but what’s the legal basis for it
Pryor: again that’s my understanding of when those have been enforced
Kennedy: okay
Hearings to examine the nominations of Roopali H. Desai, of Arizona, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit, Doris L. Pryor, of Indiana, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Seventh Circuit, and Maria del R. Antongiorgi-Jordan, Gina R. Mendez-Miro, and Camille L. Velez-Rive, all of Puerto Rico, each to be a United States District Judge for the District of Puerto Rico.
Judge what is your legal basis for doing this??? Kennedy questions nominees Pryor, Méndez-Miró, Antongiorgi-Jordán