Cruz: Don’T rubber stamp wild-eyed loon, Kennedy’s withering cross-exam will be taught in schools 100 years from now.
On 1/20/2022, before Senate voting, Sen. Ted Cruz said, “John Kennedy’s withering cross-examination of the poor fellow in this committee will be taught in schools a hundred years from now.” Kennedy’s video can be found here:
Sen. Cruz’s own previous cross-examination video:
“I would note, by the way, in the previous administration we had a Republican administration, Republicans in the senate, rejected numerous nominees if there were concerns with nominees. There are members of this committee, there are members of the senate who said, ‘No, Democrats don’t say no,’ it doesn’t matter what wild-eyed loon this White House nominates, like lemmings Democratic senators vote for him. And by the way when I say wild-eyed loon you would think that’s some hyperbole. Well I can tell you how Mr. Ho describes himself, he didn’t quite say wild-eyed loon, he described himself as a, quote, ‘wild-eyed leftist.’ That’s his own self-assessment.”
“Now, I want you to pretend for a second that you’re a New Yorker who’s a conservative –they do actually exist– they may be in witness protection but they do actually exist, you’re a conservative in New York and you find yourself in Judge Ho’s courtroom.”
Voting result: on January 20, 2022, the Senate Judiciary Committee deadlocked on Ho’s nomination.