Most out-of-the-touch SOTU ever, Totally Out Of Step, Lower Marks On The Decline, Reaction to SOTU

Reaction to Joe Biden’s 2022 State of the Union:
Sen. Cruz: This was the most out-of-the-touch State of the Union speech that I have ever heard. Biden went through a litany of acknowledging some of the problems we face in this country but utterly denying any responsibility, any culpability for it. So he acknowledged galloping inflation but didn’t say a word about the trillions in spending and trillions of debt he rammed through that cause that inflation.

He acknowledged gas prices are skyrocketing, but didn’t say a word about the war on domestic energy production that his administration lead. He acknowledged the need to secure our southern border, but didn’t say a word about the failure of his administration to enforce the laws, leading to the highest rate of illegal immigration in 61 years.

Jen Psaki Biden Didn’t “Have The Time”.
ABC’s Sarah Isgur: Biden’s Speech “Totally Out Of Step With Reality For Where Most Americans Are”.
CNN Biden’s Speech Got “Lower Marks Than You’d Expect From Democrats,” Biden’s “On The Decline.
Most out-of-the-touch SOTU ever, Totally Out Of Step, Lower Marks On The Decline, Reaction to SOTU
