On 4/21/2022, Joe Biden delivered remarks on Ukraine and Russia. A reporter asked Biden about ending Title 42, a Trump-era order blocking asylum seekers at the US border. Title 42 was used by President Trump in 2020 to expel migrants seeking asylum. Instead of speaking about Title 42, Biden began talking about the ongoing legal appeal from the Justice Department challenging a judicial order overruling the CDC’s mask mandate on airplanes.
A reporter asked Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot during a press conference how she could even consider running for re-election after all the “harm” she’s caused. On 4/20,2022, Chicago Dem Mayor Lori Lightfoot lashes out when asked about all the harm [she] caused. The reporter began by saying the mayor always starts her press conferences by saying that crime is down and the “economy is booming.” “How could you possibly even consider running for re-election as mayor of the city of Chicago after all the harm you’ve caused?” Lightfoot said that this wasn’t true and asked the journalist to continue with his question. The reporter noted that an officer was recently struck and injured in a hit-and-run and that Michigan Avenue “is now referred to as the mile of fear.” Michigan Avenue is a popular stretch of the city with entertainment, attractions, restaurants, hotels and shopping. Lightfoot retorted, “I disagree with you fundamentally, and I don’t think I need to address and dignify your comments one second.”
On 4/20/2022, Press Secretary Jen Psaki clashed with CNN+ host Chris Wallace when the veteran news anchor grilled the White House official over President Joe Biden’s lack of sit-down press interviews. ‘Why has President Biden been so sheltered from the press?’ Wallace asked Psaki. Psaki challenged, ‘In what way?’
‘He just did a press conference several weeks ago. He takes questions from the press nearly every day,’ she defended. Wallace pointed out that Biden has sat down for 28 reporter interviews during the same time span Trump did 95 and Obama even more at 162, but Psaki countered he was ‘leaving out’ the times he’s stopped for impromptu chats with White House reporters. ‘Nearly every day at the White House, he takes questions from the White House press corps,’ she said. Wallace began, ‘Yeah but Jen –‘
‘Two questions three questions eight questions,’ Psaki continued saying over the CNN+ host. ‘So why is that different?’ Wallace said, ‘I’ll tell you exactly why that’s different, because when you’re standing there, you can take a question. You can answer it, you can slough it off and you can move on.’
‘And oftentimes, he gives a partial answer and walks away. It in no way compares to sitting down with a reporter for 20 minutes, 30 minutes, and having — you can’t move away, you can duck it, you’ve got to sit there and answer the question and the follow up. It’s not the same thing,’ he finished. Psaki asked him to ‘agree to disagree.’
On 4/20/2022, during a Q&A hosted by the Center for Global Development with PBS NewsHour host Judy Woodruff, Biden climate Czar John Kerry says Biden still committed to “50-52% reduction” in fossil fuels by 2030, oil should not be “allowed to grow”. Kerry dismissed the notion that the Interior Department’s pending auctions, which will make 144,000 acres of federal land available for fossil fuel development, will tread on President Joe Biden’s ambitions to cut economywide greenhouse gas emissions at least in half before 2030 in an attempt to help the globe mitigate climate change. “I don’t think it’s a setback because I don’t think a lot of it is going to produce fuel that’s drilled,” said Kerry. Kerry complains that china’s ‘differences of opinion’ on abuses have ‘complicated’ his climate talks. John Kerry cites Europe as an energy success “the lead on the planet”.
Obama advisor Rattner “Democrats have a problem”, “not a belief” that Democrats can “handle pretty much any problem”.
Jen Psaki went on with Chris Wallace on his new CNN+ show. During their interview, Psaki said teachers should force transexual discussions on kindergarteners, “The laws not about teaching sex education. It’s about teaching gender identity. And so what do you do if a parent or a kid, should I say a kid, in one of these elementary schools says, “What about Sally, Sally has two moms?” or “I’m not sure if I’m a girl or a boy?” I mean these are kids who are experiencing these moments in their lives. I also think that these are not, there’s not a big record of there being either sex education or extensive gender identity education in these schools and this is creating a problem or political cudgel or issue that I don’t think exists.
Biden confused Title 42 and mandate, Dem Mayor not dignify comments, Biden sheltered from press, not allowed oil to grow.