8/5/2020 Trump Holds a News Conference


On 8/5/2020, during the White House news briefing, when asked about Sen. John Thune’s concerns, Trump played down fears from a Republican senator that him giving his speech accepting the Republican nomination from the White House could be illegal as a violation of the Hatch Act. “It is legal, there is no Hatch Act because it doesn’t pertain to the president,” Trump responded. Trump said that his campaign is considering having him deliver his Republican National Convention nomination acceptance speech at the White House as coronavirus pandemic concerns have largely prevented the party from holding an in-person event.

“I assume there’s some Hatch Act issues or something,” Thune continued while talking to reporters on Wednesday. “I don’t know the answer to that but I haven’t, and I haven’t heard him say that. But I think anything you do on federal property would seem to be problematic.” The Hatch Act bars federal employees from using federal property for political purposes. Trump is correct that the president and vice president are not subject to the Hatch Act, but other federal employees may be unable to help make the speech Trump gives after he is nominated by the Republican National Committee (RNC) happen on White House property.

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