Trump on Kamala Afghanistan withdrawal get everything out: unwise Milley said cheaper to leave it

Trump on Kamala’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal: “That’s when I realized Milley was a dummy. I said, ‘we’re leaving, but I want to get everything out.’ ‘Sir, it’s cheaper to leave it.’”
ROGAN: “Cheaper? Not more dangerous?”
TRUMP:: “He just said cheaper.”

Well, not only that, we left billions of dollars worth of equipment and military vehicles that they use for parades now.
The best equipment yet to embarrass us. The best equipment in the world.
The Taliban parade where they’ve got tanks rolling down the streets and Blackhawks flying. It’s the craziest thing I’ve ever seen.
We left the best equipment in the world behind.
What would you have done differently?
Well, number one, we would have taken it out. Just so you go back a little bit further. I had a couple of conversations with Abdul.
And from the time I had those conversations because they were shooting our soldiers, you know, with the sniper stuff, they were shooting. They were shooting a lot of them. They were shooting a lot with Obama, much less with me, but they were shooting them.
And I said, get this guy on the phone. The press went nuts when they heard this. I had a great conversation with it was a tough conversation.
18 months later, there wasn’t one soldier that was ever shot at. And even Biden admitted it in a moment of stupidity because he shouldn’t admit it. His people went nuts.
He said, yeah, well, I will admit no soldier. We didn’t have a soldier killed in 18 months in Afghanistan. Not one soldier was killed because he understood what was going to happen if that happened.
I didn’t have one. So then when I left after having gotten more votes than any sitting president in the history of the country and much more votes than he got in 2016, when I left, they started shooting our soldiers. But more importantly, what they did is they did that whole thing with, you know, leaving.
He shouldn’t have left. Number one should have left from Bagram because Bagram is massive base. It’s got tremendous acreage around it.
Tremendous. It’s a very big it was built many years ago. And part of the reason you wouldn’t have taken that is because it goes to China one hour from where China makes its nuclear missiles.
You should have never left Bagram. Number one, they should have left from Bagram. They should have left last.
They should have got, you know, we have Americans that are still there. They should have taken all their equipment out. Everything, every plane, every screw should have been taken out every tent.
And I said that that’s when I realized that Millie was a dummy. I said, we’re leaving, but I want to get everything out. Sure.
It’s cheaper to leave it. I said, what do you mean cheaper to leave? He said it’s cheaper to leave it.
That was cheaper, cheaper. He said it’s cheap, not more dangerous. He just said cheaper.
I said, I want every plane. I want every tank. I want the goggles.
They have night goggles. They have all this stuff that these guys now have. He said, sir, it’s cheaper to get out and leave it.
I said, so you think it’s cheaper to leave $150 million brand new airplane in there than it is to fly it out with a tank of jet fuel and put it in Pakistan or just fly it directly back? It’s cheaper to leave. I said, this guy’s nuts.
I’m telling you, he was so stupid. He was so unwise. He was like an unwise man.
And there were a number of them.

On 10/25/2024, Donald Trump joined Joe Rogan’s podcast for a three-hour interview, discussing the 2024 campaign and current events. This marks Trump’s first appearance on Rogan’s show, a top podcast with millions of listeners nationwide. Trump has largely chosen podcast interviews over traditional media, targeting younger and male-skewed audiences. The podcast, recorded in Austin, Texas, afforded the Republican presidential nominee exposure to Rogan’s 14.5 million followers on Spotify and 17.6 million followers on YouTube. Rogan, the nation’s most-listened-to podcast host, is extremely influential with young male voters, who Trump is aiming to reach.
Trump on Kamala Afghanistan withdrawal get everything out: unwise Milley said it’s cheaper to leave it
