Democrats let Gwen Walz speak at a rally this week with Tim. She bobs and weaves like her husband. Gwen has those crazy eyes. Imagine the conversations that take place in that house! Yikes!
Gwen Walz is just as cringe as Tim
Tim instructs his supporters to have “hard conversation[s]” with strangers in the grocery store to convince them to vote for him.
Timothy Walz says he’ll go to his grave “not understanding” why tens of millions of Americans are supporting President Donald J. Trump
There’s something very, very off about Tim Walz
Tim is both strange AND completely delusional: “If this were about having the best ideas or the best candidates, I think we would win most of the elections.”
TIM: “It was clear on that stage — there is only one that’s qualified to be president of the United States.”
(That would be President Donald J. Trump)
Gwen Walz Freakishly Weird Crazy-Eyes & you thought Tim weird; Tim: hard conversation with strangers