Biden: best decision selecting Kamala; Kamala Goldman Sachs economic plan; Walz brought down grocery

Joe Biden says the “best decision” he made was “selecting Kamala Harris” as his partner in destroying the country

Kamala repeats the lie that Goldman Sachs gave her economic plan their approval.
The CEO of Goldman Sachs came out this morning and DEBUNKED this.

Goldman Sachs CEO David M. Solomon scorches Kamala Harris for turning a report from an independent analyst into “something that’s bigger than what it was intended to be.”
“A lot more has been made of this than should be.”

He’s gesticulating everywhere

TIM: “I’ll go to my grave maybe not understanding” why half the country won’t support the pair of communist morons running on the Democrat ticket

Tim has the audacity to suggest Kamala “brought down” grocery prices. He’s a total moron. Grocery prices are up well over 20% under Kamala — and her communist price control scheme would only make it worse. (Also, the “national sales tax” is total bullshit)

Timothy Walz: “We respect our neighbors for their personal choices… You know how society works best? Is when you mind your own damn business.” Timothy Walz set up a snitch line for people to report their neighbors for violating his lockdown orders during COVID.

Tim, who set up a snitch line for neighbors to tattle on each other during COVID, regurgitates his cringe “mind your own damn business” bit. He’s just not very smart.

Timothy Walz: They might not be sitting down at the bar talking about banning books, but they might be down there talking about how they can afford a house. The cost of homeownership is at its highest in three decades and overall housing costs are up 50% since Kamala took office.

Timothy Walz: “There was one person on that stage who should be the next President of the United States.” We agree!
Biden: best decision selecting Kamala; Kamala Goldman Sachs economic plan; Walz brought down grocery prices
