Kamala price controls never worked, Trump groceries & interest rates TUMBLING down, buy a house

On 8/29/2024, Trump and Gabbard Town Hall in Wisconsin. In a politically charged town hall meeting held in La Crosse, Wisconsin, former President Donald Trump and former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard took center stage, engaging in a vigorous discussion about pressing issues. Trump said, “We’re going to become the energy capital of the world. We’re going to pay down our debt, and we’re going to reduce your taxes still further. And your groceries [Pulaski] are going to come tumbling down, and your interest rates are going to come tumbling down, and then you’re going to go out, you’re going to buy a beautiful house. Okay? You’re going to buy a beautiful house. That’s called the American dream. The American dream.”

Trump on Kamala’s government price controls plan: “It’s a communist plan. It’s never worked and it’s never worked. Richard Nixon tried it, a lot of people tried it and it always leads to the same failure.”

“Your groceries are going to come TUMBLING down, and your interest rates are going to be tumbling down. And then you’re going to go out and you’re going to buy a beautiful house. That’s called the AMERICAN DREAM.” Trump responds to a Wisconsin Gen Z voter concerned about grocery prices and housing costs.

“We’re going to win this election. We’re going to turn this country around… and your boy is going to have the greatest job.” Trump responds to a mother in Wisconsin who’s worried about her son’s future.

Kamala price controls never worked, Trump groceries & interest rates TUMBLING down, buy a house
