Kamala get “police officers out of schools”; CNBC Hosts Embarrass & Laugh at taxing unrealized gains

CNBC Hosts Embarrass and Laugh at Harris Economic Advisor When He Pathetically Tries to Sell a Key Part of Her $5 Trillion Tax Plan
On 8/28/2024, Harris economic advisor Bharat Rama appeared on CNBC’s Squawk Box to sell the audience on a key portion of his boss’s socialist $5 trillion tax plan. Rama attempted to explain to the hosts that taxing unrealized gains was fair, only applied to a small number of rich people, and was similar to a property tax.

CNBC: “Taxing UNREALIZED gains just doesn’t seem fair in any sense…”
Harris economic advisor Bharat Ramamurti: “This reaction to unrealized gains is a little funny.”
(Kamala’s 25% minimum tax on unrealized capital gains is just one of the trillions in tax hikes she supports)

QUICK: Taxing unrealized gains just doesn’t seem fair in any sense of the word. In the very best sense, if you were taxing unrealized gains, all you are doing is pulling forward the taxes that would be paid later when somebody actually sells the stock.

RAMA: I, I, I, think this reaction to taxing unrealized gains is a little funny given that I bet the majority of the people watching right now are already paying a tax on unrealized gains. It’s called a property tax.

KERNAN (derisively): Property tax. That’s an old trope.

RAMA: When the value of your home goes up, you pay higher taxes.

QUICK: The value of your home never moves the way your stock moves…

KERNAN (mocking Rama while agreeing with Quick): It’s not the same. That’s (Rama’s comment) always the go-to answer (by liberals).

QUICK (continuing): The property tax is a use tax. You’re paying for the schools, you’re paying for emergency services…Those are things that make absolute sense.

RAMA: Sure. And all of the revenue that comes from these unrealized gains, taxes, and the other taxes in the Harris plan is going to go to what she calls more opportunity…

QUICK: But it’s not actually people who are using the services.

RAMA: Look, you are arguing that this is some sort of foreign concept that’s completely unknown…

KERNAN: It’s probably unconstitutional…

QUICK: It’s not income.

KERNAN: And it’s never going to happen…Not in my, well, not in my lifetime (laughing at Rama)…Not in Becky’s lifetime!

Kamala Harris talking about getting “police officers out of schools.” She’s a RADICAL. Students need more protection, not less!

Vice President Kamala Harris advocated for the removal of police officers from schools in an effort to “demilitarize” school campuses, according to unearthed footage from 2019. “What we need to do about … demilitarizing our schools and taking police officers out of schools. We need to deal with the reality and speak the truth about the inequities around school discipline. Where in particular, Black and Brown boys are being expelled and or suspended as young as, I’ve seen, as young as in elementary school,” Harris said in 2019 in South Carolina, when she served as a California senator running for president during the 2020 cycle.

Timothy Walz brags that Kamala Harris “cast the deciding vote” for the worst inflation crisis since the 1980s

Timothy Walz claims Kamala is “ready” to debate President Trump (while her campaign is still trying to change the rules because they’re terrified). Walz is also apparently unaware the debate is on a Tuesday, not a Monday.

Timothy Walz claims they’ll lower taxes. He’s lying. The Harris-Walz plan includes the largest tax hike in history, a higher business tax rate than socialist Venezuela, a carbon tax — and a tax increase on 91% of Americans across every income bracket.

What does Timothy Walz have against owning stocks? REMINDER: Harris-Walz want a 25% minimum tax on unrealized capital gains as part of their trillions in tax hikes.

Kamala getting “police officers out of schools”; CNBC Hosts Embarrass & Laugh at taxing unrealized gains
