TRUMP: When I’m back in the White House, I will get you the support, funding, training, and equipment you need—and I will get you the PAY RAISES you have earned.
Trump talks about the idiocy of other administrations broadcasting our weaknesses to our enemies: “You don’t want to tell your enemy you have no ammunition… If you feel like you’re a little weak, you gotta strengthen it up, but you don’t do reports that we’re going to lose to China in a war. STUPID people do that — like the people that are in office right now.”
TRUMP: On Day One, I will seal the border, and I will stop the invasion of our country. We will find and remove the terrorists and jihadists who have infiltrated our soil. And under my leadership, we will bring back the values that you enlisted your lives to defend—SOVEREIGNTY, LIBERTY, FREE SPEECH, and fair, equal, and impartial justice under the Constitutional Rule of Law. We are not just going to Make America Great Again—we are going to Make American DEMOCRACY again. We’re going to bring it back.
TRUMP: “Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are promising the exact opposite— they want endless war, open borders, voting rights and free healthcare for illegal aliens, Soviet-style price controls, censorship, unlimited migration from terrorist hotspots, and unchecked power for the Deep State.”
TRUMP: Our country is being destroyed by a radical and corrupt political class that sends our Guardsmen and women to defend the borders of distant foreign nations, while they surrender our own borders to an invasion here at home. You missed birthdays and holidays deploying overseas in the Global War on Terror, only for Kamala Harris to let terrorists and jihadists pour into our homeland by the thousands. And while you have risked your lives to defend our rights and liberties, our opponents have waged war on those liberties from the White House—attacking free speech, censoring dissidents, even trying to put their political opposition in jail. I am in this fight to defeat the corrupt political class in Washington—and to reclaim America’s future as a FREE and SOVEREIGN NATION ruled by the American People. When I’m back in the White House, we will expel the warmongers and profiteers who have taken over our government, and we will restore the world to PEACE—and it will be PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH.
TRUMP: “The National Guard is America’s FIRST and LAST line of defense — and you do not get the credit you deserve… Thank you to every Guardsman for your selfless service.” “I also want to say an enormous THANK YOU to our amazing National Guard FAMILIES— especially to the SPOUSES and CHILDREN— who sacrifice so much.”
TRUMP: I will get you the PAY RAISES, admin broadcasting our weaknesses; I will seal the border