Barack Hussein Obama lavishes praise on Joe Biden, praising “his smarts, his experience” and his “empathy and his decency” after leading a coup to oust him from the presidential ticket.
Obama: “We can secure our borders without tearing kids away from their parents.” The DHS Inspector General revealed today that 291,000 children who crossed the border illegally under Border Czar Kamala are unaccounted for.
Barack Hussein Obama: “The other side knows it’s easier to play on people’s fears and cynicism. They will tell you that government is inherently corrupt.” He’s one to talk!
“Doug” was not impressed by Barack Hussein Obama’s speech
Michelle Obama says her parents “were suspicious of folks who took more than they needed.” She has a net worth of $70 million and lives in a mansion in Martha’s Vineyard.
The DNC crowd starts chanting “do something.” Are they aware that their party has been in charge of the country for the last 3.5 years?
M. Obama says “until recently,” she had a “deep pit” in her stomach and a “palpable sense of dread” — until their band of Democrat elites conspired to boot Joe off the ticket
QUIET PART OUT LOUD AT THE DNC: “We got 70 days to act right … After 70 days, we can go back to acting crazy.”
HIGHLY CRING. Amy Klobuchar at the DNC: “Instead of the MAGA movement, we’re gonna start the MAMMA movement — that is Make America Michigan And Minnesota Again!”
Barack Obama secure our borders; Michelle Obama took more than they needed $70M Martha’s Vineyard