Biden is SCREAMING again, 2020 “Summer of Love”

BIDEN: “Delaware State, that’s where I got my start!”
(He graduated from the University of Delaware)

Biden can’t even lie without sounding like a cooked moron: “Project 2024”

Biden is rambling incomprehensively again

Biden says he’s “putting homeownership in reach,” even as his policies have DESTROYED the American Dream

Biden says the 2020 “Summer of Love” riots — in which entire city blocks were destroyed and livelihoods were upended — were just peaceful protests

Biden says he’s “putting homeownership in reach,” even as his policies have DESTROYED the American Dream

Biden greets his friend “Mouse” from back when he was a “lifeguard in the projects.”

A heavily slurring Biden calls for gun control

Biden is SCREAMING again


Not Corn Pop?

BIDEN (who once said Americans “ain’t black” if they didn’t vote for him): “I’m a lifetime member of the NAACP”

Biden is SCREAMING again, 2020 “Summer of Love”
