On 6/27/2024, during the Trump & Biden debate, Biden says the millions of illegal aliens he has ferried into the country is “the reason why we have the most successful economy in the world”
TRUMP: The only jobs Joe created are jobs for ILLEGAL ALIENS!
Joe Biden in a rare moment of lightning strike clarity: There was no inflation when I became president.
BIDEN: “We have 1,000 trillionaires in America!”
Joe Biden absurdly claims there are “a thousand trillionaires in America.”
Joe Biden nobody thinks President Trump had the greatest economy in the world as an overwhelming majority of Americans say they were BETTER OFF under TRUMP!
TRUMP: “I gave you the largest tax cut in history!” 91% of Americans saw their take-home pay INCREASE because of President Trump’s tax cuts.
Joe Biden blamed inflation for his massive drop in support among Black Americans. TRUMP: He caused the inflation, and it’s killing Black families, Hispanic families, and just about everybody. They can’t buy groceries anymore. They can’t live.
TRUMP: Biden wants to END the TRUMP TAX CUTS and raise taxes on 91% of American families
Joe Biden blames Trump for his ECONOMIC FAILURES! Overall prices are up more than 20% since Biden took office.
Trump Biden debate: created jobs for illegal aliens successful economy, 1000 trillionaires in America!