Kennedy grilled Campbell who lied; But nice to Lanthier

Biden judicial nominee Nashville labor lawyer Karla Campbell.

Campbell is Biden’s nominee for the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals. After several denials of Kennedy’s accusation that she had lied to other Republicans on the committee about her representation of a left-wing activist group called Workers’ Dignity (which Texas Sen. Ted Cruz characterized as an “openly Marxist organization”), Campbell admitted she had in fact been associated with them in their early days.

Mary Kay Lanthier’s nomination to federal bench in Vermont draws praise in Senate hearing
On 6/20/2024, Mary Kay Lanthier’s nomination to serve as a federal judge in Vermont appears to face little resistance as members of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee posed few questions to her during her nomination hearing. Lanthier, who was born in Rutland and lives in Orwell, was nominated by President Joe Biden in May to serve as a federal judge in Vermont. Sanders and fellow Sen. Peter Welch, D-Vt., had recommended Lanthier for the position. Sen. John Kennedy, R-Louisiana, the lone Republican seated on the panel at the time of Lanthier’s testimony, did not ask her any legal questions. Instead, Kennedy asked Lanthier’s daughter, who was seated in the gallery, if there was anything she wanted to say and she declined.
“If you change your mind, just let me know, OK?” Kennedy told her.
“If you say anything, be careful,” Welch said to Lanthier’s daughter, drawing a laugh from the crowd.
Kennedy grilled Campbell who lied; But nice to Lanthier
