Kennedy: should prisoners get paid AND free room, utilities, food & medical?

Kennedy questions Winn, Turner, Armstrong in Judiciary. free housing, food, electric, health care, access to tv

Sen. John Kennedy questioned Prison reform advocate Terrance Winn, during a Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Criminal Justice and Counterterrorism hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, May 21, 2024, to examine forced labor in prisons.

After sparring with the witnesses on issues such as injury compensation for prisoners and prison labor unions — policies which some said they support — Louisiana Senator John Kennedy decried what he called “emotional arguments” from the pro-reform experts.

“People are in prison for a reason,” said the Republican lawmaker. “I believe in free will. I just don’t think these emotional arguments are productive, and they’re not trying to solve a problem.”
Kennedy: should prisoners get paid AND free room, utilities, food & medical?
