Mark Hamill Star Wars at WH Briefing call you Joebi wan Kenobi? No One Ever Claps

WH Press Briefing Opens With Mark Hamill Appearance Even With Everything Happening In Country, World
Today’s White House press briefing opens with a celebrity — because there’s nothing consequential happening at home and around the world right now

Mark Hamill Tells Highly Cringe Joke From White House Podium About Calling Biden “Joebi Wan Kenobi”
“I said, ‘Can I call you Joebi wan Kenobi?’”

Karine Jean-Pierre Tries, Fails To Joke About How “No One Ever Claps” For Her Useless Briefings
KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: “No one ever claps for me when I get off the podium…”

Karine Jean-Pierre Cooks Up Word Salad Trying To Say Why Biden Spent Day With Washed Up Celebrity
Karine Jean-Pierre cooks up a giant word salad as she attempts to explain why Biden spent his day meeting with celebrity Mark Hamill and why they carted him into the briefing room
Mark Hamill Star Wars at WH Briefing call you Joebi wan Kenobi? No One Ever Claps
