Jordan: retribution against journalists critical of government; contempt, confidential source

Catherine Herridge: network of Walter Cronkite seizes files, confidential source info, that is an attack on journalism
Chairman Jordan Questioning Catherine Herridge at Hearing on Freedom of the Press

When the network of Walter Cronkite seizes your reporting files, including confidential source information, that is an attack on investigative journalism,” said Catherine Herridge, former FOX and CBS News journalist who is currently being held by a federal judge in civil contempt for not divulging sources. She continued to say, “I can only speak for myself. When my records were seized, I felt it was a journalistic rape.” Her remarks came as she, along with other journalists and advocates, testified before a House Judiciary subcommittee on the importance of the Constitution, a free press, and protecting their sources. During the hearing, Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH) criticized retribution against journalists who were critical of the government and said, “That’s what journalism is about-being critical of the government when the government is doing things wrong.”
Jordan Questioning Catherine Herridge, journalist held by a fed judge in civil contempt for not divulging sources
Jordan: retribution against journalists critical of government; contempt, confidential source
