On 2/6/2024, FOX News White House correspondent Peter Doocy asked White House Press Sec Karine JEAN-PIERRE, “how is President Biden ever going to convince the three quarters of voters who are worried about his physical and mental health that he is okay, even though, in Las Vegas, he told the story about recently talking to a French president who died in 1996?
KJP: I’m not even going to go down that rabbit hole with you —
Reporter: Why —
KJP: — sir.
Reporter: What is the rabbit hole?
KJP: We’re going to go — go ahead. Go ahead.
Reporter: He said he talked to Mitterrand in —
US President Joe Biden mixes up the current President of France Emmanuel Macron with former French leader Francois Mitterrand who died in 1996. Speaking at a campaign rally in Las Vegas on Sunday, Biden recalled a discussion with other heads of state at the G7 summit held in Cornwall in June 2021, a few months after his inauguration: “I said, ‘America is back’”. 81 years old Biden then remembers how it elicited a reply from “Mitterrand from Germany” before correcting himself : ” I mean, from France”. Francois Mitterrand was President of France from 1981 to 1995, serving a record two seven-years terms.
Reporter: Anything specifically on why you’re not doing the Super Bowl interview? I mean, that’s a massive audience in an election year of people who may not be tuned into the White House or this election at this moment.
KJP: So, look, as you know, Super Bowl is a great annual tradition. And the President certainly — President Biden looks forward to — to watching the game this Sunday, just like millions of — as you just stated, just like millions of Americans are go- — are going to be doing that.
And, look, you know, we hope that the viewers who tuned in — you know, we know that the viewers who tuned in, they come — they tune in to watch the game. Right? And so, obviously, you know, that is — that is just a fact. They want to see the game. They want to see their favorite team. They want to see a halftime show. That is what the Super — it’s that type of tradition.
The President will find many other ways to communicate with Americans — the millions of Americans out there. And we will find those ways to do it where we think the time is right.
Fox News recommended former President Donald Trump take the Super Bowl interview slot this Sunday in light of President Joe Biden declining to go on air during the big game. Shortly after, Trump made his own offer on social media to take Biden’s slot doing the interview that’s become an annual tradition.
Trump mockingly wrote in a Truth Social post that it was a good idea for Biden to skip the exposure he’d get giving an interview with CBS on Super Bowl Sunday.
“Crooked Joe Biden has just announced that he will not be doing the big Super Bowl interview,” Trump wrote on his conservative social media site. “A great decision, he can’t put two sentences together. I WOULD BE HAPPY TO REPLACE HIM — would be ‘RATINGS GOLD!’”
KJP No Answer Biden Gaffes France Macron with Mitterrand; No Super Bowl Interview BC Viewers Don’t Want To See Him