Karine Jean-Pierre Says It’s “Stunning” That Republicans Are Demanding a Secure Border: “History Will Remember Them Harshly!”
On 12/7/2023, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre blasted Republicans for demanding a secure border. Earlier this week Republicans in the Senate suddenly took a strong stand on the border in exchange for funding the never-ending war in Ukraine. Karine Jean-Pierre echoed Joe Biden and said funding for Ukraine is more important that securing the southern border. “It’s stunning. It’s stunning that we’ve gotten to this point…and that Republicans in Congress are willing to give Putin a gift. The greatest gift that Putin could hope for! That’s what we’re seeing and so they’re playing chicken with our national security. That’s what we’re seeing here. History will remember them harshly!” Karine Jean-Pierre said.
Karine Jean-Pierre Says It’s “Stunning” Republicans Would Dare To Demand A Secure Southern Border
Karine Jean-Pierre says it’s “stunning” that Republicans are demanding a secure border: “History will remember them harshly!”
Biden Budget Director Shalanda Young Stunned Republicans Want Secure Border Before Funding Ukraine
Biden Budget Director Shalanda Young says she is “stunned” Republicans want to secure the southern border before sending billions of dollars to Ukraine
Karine Jean-Pierre Claims Biden Wants To “Continue” Lowering Costs; Prices Have Increased Under Him
Karine Jean-Pierre: Biden wants to “continue to lower costs for Americans.”
Prices have INCREASED by 17.6% since Biden took office.
KJP: Stunning GOPs Demanding Secure Border: “History Will Remember Them Harshly!”, OMB Dir Young; Lower Costs