On 10/11/2023, Joe Biden delivered remarks on his administration’s actions to ‘protect consumers’ from hidden junk fees. “Junk fees cost American families tens of billions of dollars each year and inhibit competition, hurting consumers, workers, small businesses, and entrepreneurs. Research shows that fees charged at the back-end of the buying process make it harder to comparison shop for the best deal and lead to consumers paying upward of twenty percent more. Junk fees also make it hard for honest businesses to compete, stifle innovation, and hurt small businesses.” the White House said.
Biden shuffled out to the Rose Garden and spoke for 10 minutes before disappearing again. He is all smiles. “How much are your monthly bills, and after they’re all paid, how much do you have left for necessities? Is there enough left over just to give you a little bit of breathing room?” Biden said highlighting the failures of Bidenomics. Most Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck – even six-figure earners are feeling the squeeze thanks to Joe Biden. Joe Biden claimed, “We beat Big Pharma” before pausing his speech to berate the women in the front row. “None of the women in the front row here have been around for more than two or three years, but some of the guys have been here for a hell of a long time…” Biden said.
Biden All Smiles After Speaking On Junk Fees As Americans Are Being Held By Hamas Terrorists
Biden Insists People Have Breathing Room, Even As Most Americans Live Paycheck To Paycheck
Biden Insists Bidenomics Is Working Even As Most Americans Say They Live Paycheck-to-Paycheck
Biden Bizarrely Tells Women In Audience They Haven’t Been Around For More Than Two Or Three Years
Biden, Reading From Giant Teleprompter, Struggles To Pronounce Name Of Law He Is Championing
Biden Speaks On Junk Fees, Jokes With Democrat Members Of Congress Even Amid Int’l Chaos
Dem Senator Ed Markey Booed in Blue Massachusetts After Calling for De-Escalation in Israel
At Pro-Israel Rally, Democrat Sen. Ed Markey Gets Booed By Crowd After Calling For De-Escalation
Democrat Senator Ed Markey was booed in his own blue state this week after calling for de-escalation in Israel. Even in a liberal state like Massachusetts, people know which side is in the wrong here and it’s not Israel. One of the amazing things about the clip, which you can watch below, is the look on Markey’s face when the booing starts. You can tell that he is genuinely surprised and wasn’t expecting this reaction. He said, “That is why the United States and the international community must keep pushing for diplomacy and the ending of civilian casualties on all sides,” Markey continued. “There must be a de-escalation of the current … ”
Biden State Department Spokesman Matt Miller Defends Biden’s $6 Billion Gift To Iranian Regime
Biden Berated Women in Front Row at Rose Garden, Jokes Junk Fees; Sen. Markey Gets Booed De-Escalation