KJP: Biden Border Plan Is Effective, larger % ICE detainees than Trump; unfreezing $6B Iran assets

Karine Jean-Pierre Claims Biden’s “Border Plan” Is “Effective” Amid Worst Border Crisis On Record
On 8/14/2023, a reporter asked White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, “Congressman Castro said that — was calling on the White House to end all cooperation between Customs and Border Patrol and the Texas Department of Public Safety until after the Justice Department’s lawsuit is concluded against the state. Does the White House have any response to that?

KJP: … he continues to do is continues to move forward in a dangerous and un- — and taking unlawful actions. And it is undermining what we’re trying to do, what the President is trying to do — trying to deal with a — with a broken system in a humane way, trying to do it in a way that is effective. And we have seen his border plan management be effective. And it is unfort- — -fortunate that he continues to do this.

Q: Biden committed to ending for-profit ICE detention facilities, not happened so far
Reporter: NPR has obtained a trove of inspection reports regarding these ICE detention facilities –privately — privately controlled ICE detention facilities. And some of these documents show that there were egregious behaviors going on, negligent care. I knew during the 2020 presidential campaign, Biden committed to ending these for-profit ICE detention facilities. That has not happened so far. Can you explain why the administration still is relying on them?

KJP: So, I have not seen the report. That’s something that I would want to talk to our team about before responding to your particular report. You know, I think the President is still committed to that — to what he — what he laid out during his campaign. Just don’t have anything here to share beyond that, beyond his commitment that he is certainly going to foc- — going to continue to stay focused on — but I just don’t have anything specific on where we are with that particular —

ACLU: Biden larger percentage of ICE detainees in privately facilities compared to Trump admin
Reporter: Can I ask you one quick —
KJP: — particular ICE detention closure.
Reporter: I’m sorry — one quick follow-up there. My understanding is that the ACLU has said that under President Biden, a larger percentage of ICE detainees are in these privately run facilities when compared to the Trump administration. And I just want to understand how that is possible, kind of, with the commitment that you all have had — expressed to moving away from detention facilities.

KJP: Well, look, let me first say that, you know, we’ve been very clear. We want — this is a broken system that we have done everything that we can to make sure we move forward in a humane way. Right? That is something that we have been committed to and that is a path that we certainly have gone down. As it relates to the ICE detention, the private detention, again, I would have to go back to the team and see where we are with that. I have not seen the — this investigative reporting that you all have done. But I want to make sure I answer it in a fulsome way.

Q: unfreezing $6B Iran assets provide funds that will go to terrorist? A: not taxpayer dollars

On 8/14/2023, Fox News correspondent Jacqui Heinrich asked White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, “on Iran, former Vice President Mike Pence said that the unfreezing of those assets would amount to the largest ransom payment in American history. And then you also had the Israeli Prime Minister, Netanyahu, saying “arrangements that do not dismantle Iran’s nuclear infrastructure will not stop its nuclear program. It will only provide it with funds that will go to terrorist elements sponsored by Iran.” So most, if not all, Americans support bringing home hostages. But is the administration not also concerned that at the same time it’s talking about giving Iran $6 billion, they’re considering putting, you know, Marines on commercial vessels to bolster security against this state?

KJP: … Just to be even more clear, what is being discussed isn’t a payment of any kind. These aren’t U.S. dollars. They aren’t even taxpayer dollars. What’s being pursued here is an arrangement for — and the Iranian people can — with the oversight of the U.S. Treasury Department, Qatar, and at — and aid organizations — avail themselves of Iranian funds that have been held in a South Korean account since 2018.

Q: Does unfreezing $6B Iran assets at all harm U.S.-Israel relationship? A: It’s not about anything else
Reporter: Does this at all harm U.S.-Israel relationship at this very critical time now?

KJP: Look, this is about bringing home U.S. citizens, bringing them home to their families. That’s what this is about. It’s not about anything else. And we’ve been very clear about that. And we’re going to make sure we do everything that we can to

KJP: Biden Border Plan Is Effective, larger % ICE detainees than Trump; unfreezing $6B Iran assets
