Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison likened Justice Thomas to a house slave

#shorts Cruz: I’m reading your Amendment which I think is very well drafted. One of the things you cite is on July 13th, just a few days ago, 2023, Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison disgustingly likened Justice Thomas to a house slave from the film Django Unchained. Are there any of the other nine justices who have been subject to such a racist attack in the last few days from a sitting Democrat in the state of Minnesota who disgustingly has anyone else been subject to those kind of attacks as frequently, as brazenly, and as unapologetically?

Kennedy: it would be unconscionable for this committee not to condemn that kind of rhetoric for Clarence Thomas, Chairman.

Senator Whitehouse: despite Senator Graham’s view of the breadth of this bill and the debate, I consider this to be not relevant to the matter at hand and further, it specifically requests the Biden Administration to inject itself politically into a law enforcement decision that the White Administration, I think quite properly, has avoided getting involved with. So, I urge my colleagues to vote no. Any further discussion on this amendment? If not, are you going to offer a second degree?

other clips of this published longer video is here: https://youtu.be/HatLzZ6qHNc
Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison likened Justice Thomas to a house slave
