#shorts Senator Kennedy asked, “okay. Do you remember a case called Shania V East Pennsboro?
Witness: Yeah, the Shania are our Pro Se plaintiffs who have brought a number of cases, so I’m not sure which one you’re referring to.
Kennedy: Yes, I’m just, uh, curious, you were reversed in that case too, were you not?
Witness: In part, yes
Kennedy: okay. Do you remember a case called Spaniel V Libby?
Witness: Yes, I do.
Kennedy: … the Third Circuit reversed you, is that right?
Witness: I directed that a new trial should be held with a different jury instruction, and the Third Circuit disagreed and found that he had received the due process he was entitled to, yes.
Kennedy: Well, the Third Circuit said you failed to cite, analyze, or properly apply the relevant case law. You were reversed, right?
Witness: The Third Circuit reversed my decision, yeah, okay.
Kennedy: Do you remember a case called Hassle V Centric Bank?
Witness: I vaguely recall that case, yes, Senator.
Kennedy: You were reversed, weren’t you?
Witness: I believe the District Court failed to adopt my… declined to adopt my recommendation.
other clips of this published longer video is here: https://youtu.be/mSupkOf2YsA
Kennedy: reversed 7 to 11/13 Kennedy questions Judge Mehalchick