Spox John Kirby pounds podium defending ‘foundational, sacred obligation’ to fund military abortions

#shorts On 7/18/2023, a reporter asked Biden Top Spox John Kirby, “The administration has been critical of Senator Tuberville with his holds on military promotions because of social policy and saying that he is harming military readiness. On the flipside of that impasse — and this is something that Republican lawmakers have raised — why is the new DOD policy on abortion critical to military readiness?

Kirby: I’m really glad you asked that question.
Reporter: (Inaudible.) (Laughs.)
Kirby: No, I mean, I really am. One in five members of the U.S. military are women … laws in this country that are now being passed are absolutely having an effect on their willingness to continue serving in uniform or to encourage — or discourage, in this case — their spouses from continuing service. kSo, if you don’t think there’s going to be a retention and a morale issue, think again. Because …

Reporter: Thank you, Admiral.
KJP: And, Admiral, I want to say thank you for — for your service and raising your hand. “Dignity and respect.” That —

Kirby: Thank you.
KJP: That was really important. Thank you. Oh, now — now the mic works. (Laughter.) Okay, go ahead. Kick us off. I don’t have anything else.

other clips of this published longer video is here: https://youtu.be/1p3gEGVUczU
Spox John Kirby pounds podium defending ‘foundational, sacred obligation’ to fund military abortions
