Q: FAA nominee what next? A: Republican relentless campaign to sink qualified an asset

#shorts On 3/27/2023, a reporter asked White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, “can you discuss what happened with your FAA nominee and what you plan to do next? I mean, obviously, there have been some high-profile incidents, and people are concerned about the safety of our commercial aviation system. So what’s next?

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: … Phil Washington had the right qualifications and experience for this role. A couple of things that you’ve heard me talk about and you’ve heard us talk about more broadly: He’s had — he’s led the Denver International Airport, one of the busiest airports in the world; managed large — large safety-focused transportation agencies; and served as Command Sergeant Major in the military. This was a veteran of the military. He was a veteran.

And, you know, there were games that were played on — you know, an onslaught of unfounded Republican attacks on Mr. Washington, on his service, his experience, and which irresponsibly delayed the process … Senate Republicans’ month-long relentless campaign to sink the nomination of a qualified, again, military veteran. Our administration believes that his service in uniform is an asset. That should have been an asset. So, again, we respect Mr. Washington’s decision and are grateful for the time he dedicated to this process …

other clips of this published longer video is here: https://youtu.be/Lc3kzDnJlkw
Q: FAA nominee what next? A: Republican relentless campaign to sink qualified an asset;
