KJP Gives Rambling Answer On Banks Getting Bailed Out As “Average Americans” Get Nothing

#shorts On 3/20/2023, a reporter asked White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre “On 3/20/2023, a reporter asked White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, “Is the President worried or is the White House worried about the politics of this, in terms of banks getting bailouts and average Americans, so to say, not?

KJP: So, look, the President made a commitment to make sure — and you heard — you heard, also, Secretary Yellen speak to this last week — and ba- — making sure that they’re not put on the hook for this, right? Making sure that we make … And, again, we just saw this — some decisive action this weekend. And so, we want to make sure — and we’re doing this to make sure that the Americans are confident — American people are confident in the work that this administration is trying to do to make sure that — that we meet the demands, that resources for depositors are met.

other clips of this published longer video is here: https://youtu.be/jD6ikTKYk-M
Jean-Pierre Gives Rambling Answer On Banks Getting Bailed Out As “Average Americans” Get Nothing
