Banks Bailout, Average Americans Nothing? Entire US Arctic Ocean Off-Limits To New Oil & Gas Leasing

Jean-Pierre Gives Rambling Answer On Banks Getting Bailed Out As “Average Americans” Get Nothing
On 3/20/2023, a reporter asked White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, “Is the President worried or is the White House worried about the politics of this, in terms of banks getting bailouts and average Americans, so to say, not?

KJP: So, look, the President made a commitment to make sure — and you heard — you heard, also, Secretary Yellen speak to this last week — and ba- — making sure that they’re not put on the hook for this, right? Making sure that we make … And, again, we just saw this — some decisive action this weekend. And so, we want to make sure — and we’re doing this to make sure that the Americans are confident — American people are confident in the work that this administration is trying to do to make sure that — that we meet the demands, that resources for depositors are met.

Karine Jean-Pierre: Biden Declared “Entire U.S. Arctic Ocean Off-Limits To New Oil And Gas Leasing”
Reporter: just a few days ago, he greenlighted the Willow project in Alaska, so this — it looks like he’s sending conflicting signals here. So can you maybe elaborate on what his approach is on the environment and what he’s telling especially young activists who protested the Willow project?

KJP: Yeah, I — you know, I would disagree with that … just last week, he declared the entire U.S. Arctic Ocean off limits to new oil and gas leasing. And so — and the Interior Department also announced it’s preparing new regulations to protect 13 million acres in Alaska … And so, you know, the President is going to continue to fight …

Investigate Trump, a proper use of federal taxpayer dollars?
Reporter: There’s one other thing related to this that isn’t hypothetical, because now House Republicans are requesting to speak with the Manhattan district attorney, Alvin Bragg, about his ongoing investigation into former President Trump. Is that, in the view of the White House, a proper use of federal taxpayer dollars to investigate or try to find out what a local prosecutor is doing?

KJP: Again, I’m just not going to speak because that — they’re un- — that is an underlying … Look, if Republicans — and the President has said this over and over again — if they — Republicans want to work with us in a bipartisan way to deliver for the American people, to continue to build on the successes that we have seen in the last two years when it comes to the economic policy, building an economy from the bottom up, middle out, he’s willing to have that conversation.

Q: any conversations with Warren Buffett? A: Laughs I can confirm I have not had a conversation with Warren Buffett
Reporter: And on the issue of banking, there’s some reporting that Warren Buffett has been in touch with the administration, you know, playing a role in sort of helping to advise as you address the banking crisis. Can you confirm that? Can you comment on any conversations with Warren Buffett?

KJP: Yeah, I — I think Ed just asked that question —
Reporter: Oh, I’m so sorry.
KJP: — Mary. (Laughs.)
Reporter: Can you (inaudible) a little bit more?

KJP: No, I just don’t have anything for you at this time. I can confirm that — that I have not had a conversation with Warren Buffett.

(Ms. Jean-Pierre begins to call on next reporter) — sorry —
KJP: That’s okay. (Laughs.)
MR. KIRBY: He got me all — he got — he got me —
KJP: He’s in the zone. (Laughter.)
MR. KIRBY: No, no, he got me all lathered up.
KJP: (Laughs.) He’s in the zone. He’s in the zone.
Reporter: You’re on a roll, man.
MR. KIRBY: You got me all lathered up now. But one of the reasons why you’re seeing that tightening relationship is because they recognize that they don’t have that strong foundation of international support for what they’re trying to do, which is basically challenge American leadership around the world.
Banks Bailed Out, Average Americans Get Nothing? Entire U.S. Arctic Ocean Off-Limits To New Oil & Gas Leasing
