Q: it is dire. Republicans say it’s dead on arrival A: this is the President’s job

#shorts Reporter: I wanted to follow up on that. But about Medicare, the proposal to keep Medicare solvent includes increasing taxes, which is something that Republicans have called a nonstarter. So, given that, where are the conversations happening about keeping Medicare solvent, given that it is dire and expected to run out in a matter of years as well — the trust funds?

CHAIR ROUSE: So, remember, the budget writ large — this is a start of a conversation. This is a —

Reporter: Republicans say it’s dead on arrival, though.

Young: So, budgets — this is — this is the President’s job.

On 3/10/2023, Biden’s top econ couldn’t answer the question.
Biden Econ Advisor Cecilia Rouse Can’t Say When Americans Can Expect Relief From Sky-High Inflation

other clips of this published longer video is here: https://youtu.be/nZ29TILCBuA
Q: it is dire. Republicans say it’s dead on arrival A: this is the President’s job
