Q: why no proposal for extending Social Security’s solvency? A: greatest existential threat is GOPs

#shorts Reporter: Just following up on that. In the budget, you did spend a lot of time talking about your proposals for Medicare, expressing concern about Medicare solvency and claiming that the proposals that you’re making will extend Medicare for another 25 years or so. So why no proposal for extending Social Security’s solvency, which is almost as dire.

DIRECTOR YOUNG: … I’ve been very clear and the President has: We believe the greatest existential threat to Social Security today is those who want to cut it. So, our position, his position is that is not on the table, not on his watch. And that’s what this budget says.

Reporter: So will the President have a proposal in the future for extending Social Security’s lifeline so that people like your grandmother will be able to get their full benefits come 10, 15, 20 years from now?

Young: I hope she’s with us — (laughter) — that long. I really do. But what this President will do is make sure he is a backstop and will stop attacks on the program for people who want to cut it.

On 3/10/2023, Biden’s top econ couldn’t answer the question.
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other clips of this published longer video is here: https://youtu.be/nZ29TILCBuA
Q: why no proposal for extending Social Security’s solvency? A: greatest existential threat is GOPs
